#1 app in microlearning
#1 app in microlearning
#1 app in microlearning

Read 100 books a year in 15 minutes a day

Learn the key ideas from the best books, podcasts, and experts in 15 minutes and earn up to USD 100 per day.

+1,000,000 people are already learning with Bookster

+1,000,000 people are already learning with Bookster

+1,000,000 people are already learning with Bookster

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  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image

Define your goal.
Bookster makes it possible

Be more productive

Reduce stress

Improve my finances

Unbreakable mindset

Persuade people



Marketing and sales



Hábito 1: Sé proactivo

Tomar la iniciativa es crucial para la efectividad, marcando una diferencia abismal en el desempeño personal y profesional.

Hábito 2: Comienza con un fin en mente

Visualizar el destino deseado asegura que nuestras acciones diarias sean significativas

Hábito 3: Poner primero lo primero

Si llenas tu agenda con actividades sin pensar en su importancia, terminarás exhausto al final del día sin haber logrado nada significativo.

Be more productive

Reduce stress

Improve my finances

Unbreakable mindset

Persuade people

To undertake


Marketing and sales



Hábito 1: Sé proactivo

Tomar la iniciativa es crucial para la efectividad, marcando una diferencia abismal en el desempeño personal y profesional.

Hábito 2: Comienza con un fin en mente

Visualizar el destino deseado asegura que nuestras acciones diarias sean significativas

Hábito 3: Poner primero lo primero

Si llenas tu agenda con actividades sin pensar en su importancia, terminarás exhausto al final del día sin haber logrado nada significativo.

Be more productive

Reduce stress

Improve my finances

Unbreakable mindset

Persuade people

To undertake


Marketing and sales



Hábito 1: Sé proactivo

Tomar la iniciativa es crucial para la efectividad, marcando una diferencia abismal en el desempeño personal y profesional.

Hábito 2: Comienza con un fin en mente

Visualizar el destino deseado asegura que nuestras acciones diarias sean significativas

Hábito 3: Poner primero lo primero

Si llenas tu agenda con actividades sin pensar en su importancia, terminarás exhausto al final del día sin haber logrado nada significativo.

Be more productive

Reduce stress

Improve my finances

Unbreakable mindset

Persuade people

To undertake


Marketing and sales



Hábito 1: Sé proactivo

Tomar la iniciativa es crucial para la efectividad, marcando una diferencia abismal en el desempeño personal y profesional.

Hábito 2: Comienza con un fin en mente

Visualizar el destino deseado asegura que nuestras acciones diarias sean significativas

Hábito 3: Poner primero lo primero

Si llenas tu agenda con actividades sin pensar en su importancia, terminarás exhausto al final del día sin haber logrado nada significativo.

Learn while

Turn any moment into a learning opportunity

Whoever learns more is the winner of the game





Deepen your understanding of the book with tailored questions.


Deepen your understanding of the book with tailored questions.


Create a reading habit that is easy and uncomplicated

Set daily goals that are more comfortable for you

Receive reminders so you don't lose your reading streak.

Get rewards just for investing in your personal development


Create a reading habit that is easy and uncomplicated

Set daily goals that are more comfortable for you

Receive reminders so you don't lose your reading streak.

Get rewards just for investing in your personal development


Dozens of games and earn USD in the process!


Dozens of games and earn USD in the process!

What our users say


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Awards delivered

Challenges designed for you

Collections that create realities

The favorites as always

The favorites as always

Find the book you needed

  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image
  • Weather app image

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Download Bookster to learn like never before